Mel is a CPA by education but an entrepreneur by exhilaration, and Author of the USA Today Bestseller, Building Your Money Machine: How To Get Your Money To Work Harder For You Than You Did For It! and The Entrepreneur's Solution: The Modern Millionaire's Path to More Profit, Fans & Freedom. As the founder The Affluence Blueprint TM, The Legacy Factor™ and ThoughtpreneurTM Academy he has been obsessed with helping people and entrepreneurs bring their businesses to life and live a life by “choice” instead of one that is driven by “daily demands.”
The power of the principles and frameworks he teaches became immensely clear after finding a cancerous tumor in his bladder larger than a baseball in June 2019. His cancer journey followed by people's financial struggles through the pandemic highlighted the immediate and urgent need for others to get access to these powerful principles. This personal journey, combined with the financial upheavals many faced during the pandemic, became the seeds for his USA Today Bestseller, Build Your Money Machine: How to Get Your Money to Work Harder For You Than You Did For it!
As a frequent guest on some of the top shows and podcasts where he shares his thought leadership around achievement, financial freedom, affluence, and building businesses of impact. He’s been called an Affluence Mentor™ and the “thought leader to thought leaders” and advised some of the top thought leaders of our time in their business, money matters, content creation, positioning and market influence.
Mel has built, bought and sold numerous multimillion-dollar businesses for himself as well as his clients. He’s a globally recognized thought leader, business advisor, CPA and financial expert sharing stages with a long list of Fortune 500 Companies as well as beacons in the business and personal development industry, from Arianna Huffington and Chalene Johnson to Brendon Burchard, Ed Mylett, Amy Porterfield, Ben Newman, and Tony Robbins.
"There is no aspect of our lives that is not impacted by our ability to have mental toughness, resilience, and the ability to make sure that our mind is focused on the right things."
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"If we are not vigilant, if we are not careful, if we are not putting toughness around us, it will get in, and it will not just affect us, it will infect us, and it will reduce the ability for us to live our life fully, fully expressed."
Copy and paste to post and share. Tag @continuedfight on Instagram.
Use the hashtag: #MTF2024
Building Your Money Machine is the key getting your money to work harder for you than you did for it and the only sustainable path to complete freedom. Building Your Money Machine wraps the specific steps to take in an emotionally powerful story-driven read with real world practical frameworks so you can begin your journey today.
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*With the demand and success of our members tuition to Uncommon LIVE will be increasing after the Mental Toughness Forum. Lock in YOUR rate now.
This is not about their championships and accolades. It’s about their mindset that causes them to fight on a different level. Every week their stories will connect YOU deeper to “The BURN” inside of YOU that will drive YOUR greatest levels of performance.